Kellie's BLOG
For so long I’ve debated whether I’m a Christian artist or not. I am a Christian but I've never wanted to be stuck in a Christian artist box. I’ve intentionally flown a bit under the Christian artist radar as a large portion of my audience is outside the church (I have a viral video The Thank You Project with more than 150 million views across several platforms 🤯 which has opened a lot of unconventional doors for me as an artist). I’ve been so careful not to offend others or turn anyone away with my message of hope. But in some ways this cautiousness has watered down both my…[READ MORE]
When hard things happen it's easy to get stuck on the question why. But it’s the wrong question. That answer changes nothing and it can become a stumbling block in the path of healing. But we can ask: where - where is God? We can also ask: what now? How do we move forward, how do we heal? How do we have hope? As a former widow I’ve shaken my fist at God in anguish and wondering so many times. I always get the same answer…[READ FULL POST]
There is a difference between choosing to feel every emotion + grieving in a healthy way + making no emotions off limits and being self-indulgent. We feel the emotions, we process them, yes! But we also need to remember that we are more than the sum of our emotions. We have control over them, they do not control us. When a part of us feels negative emotions we should honor that part and feel that emotion but we CANNOT…[READ FULL POST]
You’re right, this post is kinda random for me. But these things have been so helpful to me, I just must share them. Here’s a fun roundup of some of my favorite things that help make life just a bit easier and better. I know, I know our happiness doesn’t come from ‘stuff’ but still I’ve found these things quite helpful and enjoyable over the past year and wanted to share in case you might find them useful too. Nothing in this post is sponsored. Just simply well loved and…[READ FULL POST]
2020 was by far my most successful year with my music. Not so much in regards to income (no live shows ⬇️) but my music reached more hearts and homes than ever before. I thought it would feel a certain way to hit 100K streams on Spotify. But oddly it feels different than I expected. I’m super grateful. But to my surprise I’m just as satisfied and content as I was before hitting this milestone. I hustled like crazy a year ago and ended 2019 disappointed that my music didn’t do better and reach further. As I worked through that disappointment I learned a few things…[READ FULL POST]
Your problems are not the problem. I don’t pray for our kids to not have any problems. I pray for them to grow through them and learn from them. Problems are potential for growth and learning. Problems stretch our hearts and capacity to feel - to feel the bad yes, but from the stretching towards the depths comes a residual stretching towards the heights - towards feeling the good. We feel pain, but through that, when we process it with…[READ FULL POST]
This Thanksgiving I'm taking time to pause and remember that miracles happen. This has been a hard year for so so many of us, our family included. Amidst the hard, it's important to remember where we've seen beauty. Where have you experienced God's love, power and goodness in the past? Where are you experiencing hope right now? He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is still doing miracles everyday all around us! That's not something from some bygone era of history. You're looking at one right now! This is our son Eli. He's 16 and he's a tangible miracle. People often ask me what…[READ FULL POST]
How often do we need to hear, ‘DON’T GIVE UP!’ It’s crazy how much I need that reminder and thankfully it always comes right when I need it, again and again. You’d think I’d have this one figured out by now. I don’t. Do you? The roller coaster of ups and downs is legit! This isn't a problem, it's normal! We’ve got to keep pressing on in the work we're called to, remembering that these doubts and feelings and questions are all normal. Just means we have a heartbeat!…[READ FULL POST]
AJ’s been enjoying heaven for 16 years, today. I’ve been grieving for 16 years, today. Grief doesn’t disappear. It changes, but doesn’t go away. Just like love remains, grief remains. The rebel in me didn’t want to write anything today. It’d be easier to hide, to escape feeling the all too familiar emotions today brings. But experience has taught me that…[READ FULL POST]
Grief does not have the last word. This beautiful woman, Miranda Harris was a spiritual momma to me. She helped instill genuine hope by speaking truth in love. She’s a reason I am who I am today - passionate about helping others flourish, like Miranda helped me. She was killed tragically 1 year ago. As the car she was in drove off a bridge so did a part of my heart. The ache of her loss stings. She was ripped away from earth too soon and just days before the anniversary of my first husband’s death, who also died in a car accident. Grief is not convenient. It shows no…[READ FULL POST]
I’m Busy, Busy, Terribly Busy
Where has there been evidence of beauty for you in 2020? When I was interviewed on the Impossible Beauty podcast my answer to this question surprised me. I’ve seen so much beauty through our community of friends and family in their acts of selfless love and caring through these months our daughter has been sick. As life has forced a slow down of sorts I’ve become aware of my folly of being so focused on work and my to-do list that I kept my nose to the ground and well, worked. I love doing what I get to do. But isolation is a sneaky thing. It grows stealthily right under our noses when…[READ FULL POST]
“No one’s ever seen or heard anything like this, never so much as imagined anything quite like it - What God has arranged for those who LOVE Him.” 1 Cor 2:10 (MSG) It doesn’t say what God has for those who FOLLOW ALL THE RULES. It doesn’t say what God has for those who are really really good. It doesn’t say what God has for those who are popular, successful, beautiful. It is simply a…[READ FULL POST]
Speaking in metaphor on ‘the grass is greener on the other side.’ Sure the grass might ACTUALLY be greener over there. But what you don’t see is all the hard work that went in to making that grass so green - the pulling of weeds, the fertilizing, the faithful consistent watering, etc… Grass, like all good things, requires tending to flourish. Don’t just long for the ‘grass’ that someone else has tended. They put in the hard work over there. You put in the…[READ FULL POST]
Where the Grass is Actually Green
“Where you are right now is God’s place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there.” 1 Cor 7:17 (MSG) This strikes in so many different areas of my heart. It’s hard to even know what direction to take this. But, I think contentment rises to the top. How much heart energy do we spend being disappointed that things are not different? We can feel like we’re ’less than’ when we see others who are at ‘A’ when we seem to be stuck at ‘B’. We can quickly feel our efforts or our gifts are…[READ FULL POST]
Use Your Gifts
Anyone else feel like a fool for trying so hard sometimes? I pour so many hours into working on music. I know music is something I’m created to do. Even so, the struggle is real to know if all the effort will be worth it. Does it matter? Will people care if I make another record? Will anyone show up at my concerts, no matter how much I’ve practiced and prepared? These questions are at the heart of my insecurities. During my quiet time these words jumped off the page: “Go after a life of love as if your life depended on it — because it does. Give yourselves to the gifts God gives you.” 1 Cor 14:1 (MSG)…[READ FULL POST]
So much of success depends on having the right tools AND knowing how to use them. Sometime those tools are intimidating. They don’t call this a power synth for nothing! I’ve waiting (read STALLED) to invest in this tool for years. I know it will help take my art and songwriting to the next level. Perhaps, I’ve been scared of… [READ FULL POST]
Rescuing Dreams
I was sitting on the dock working on plans for the next few months, writing ideas on sticky notes when WHOOSH, my main note with some key dreams flew into the river‼️ It was quickly floating away. As I watched it drift along it looked a lot like how dreams can often feel: fleeting and out of reach. It seemed impossible for me to recover this little piece of paper from the water. Bummed, I thought of…[READ FULL POST]
Yesterday was a hard day. The overgrown weeds in our garden were a symbol of the larger challenges yesterday held, reflective of the past several months. I’ve felt overwhelmed and weary by so much. But at the end of a long exhausting day I looked at those weeds in our garden and knew that was something I could tend. So I began plunging my hands into the dirt to pull up each weed by the root, hoping to…[READ FULL POST]
“You are NOT an inconvenience!” Those words pierced my heart deep with healing. I’ve spent my whole life trying not to be an inconvenience, not wanting to be a burden to anyone. Partly because I don’t want the attention. Partly because it matters so much to me to help others, to help make other’s lives easier and better. Partly because I want to be loved and deep down, I want to make sure I make it as easy as possible for others to love me. I’ve only come to understand this recently and remember the ‘ah ha’ moment well…[READ FULL POST]
Song For The Refugee
We created a SONG FOR THE REFUGEE after my time in Iraq with Preemptive Love Coalition. We've been waiting for the right time to share it. Now in response to the gravity of the heartbreaking situation in Texas with thousands of refugee/immigrant children being separated from their families, we cannot wait any longer. This message is burning in me and must be... [READ FULL POST]
Kellie & Peter Yarrow on the Role of the Modern Artist
I had the joy of sitting down with Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary to discuss my new song: Song For The Refugee (which he loved!). We talked at length about the important role music plays in our culture in moving people's hearts to engage issues that matter. We compared his experiences in the 60s to the present day challenges facing our nation and the need as artists to steward our voices to inspire... [READ FULL POST]
Anyone else feel like life these days is a bit like the beginning of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory tour where nothing is as it used to seem and everything is topsy turvy? It’s like the filter of what we used to know as normal has been swapped and we’re quickly trying to adapt to a new normal. Okay, well maybe I’m alone in this analogy… it is a bit specific and our kids have been watching a lot of movies these days (including Willy Wonka). But I think (hope) you know what I mean… life today looks and feels so different from life 4 months ago… and this is a…[READ FULL POST]
Quarantine Concert
Last night I had a blast doing my first live stream concert! We sang songs, shared stories, laughed and maybe even cried a bit (but not too much!) - mostly smiles! In case you missed it live, here’s the full thing right here for you! I hope you enjoy it!…[READ FULL POST]
“I’m all about the hats. They’re no trouble!” Working on this song and video has been one of the most fun projects. In the midst of quarantining with the family and suddenly homeschooling 3 very different kids, this project brought sweet respite to these long (and in so many ways) exhausting days. I’m SO GRATEFUL for…[READ FULL POST]
What’s your favorite hymn? Here’s one of mine. Its words were penned centuries ago, yet still speak directly to today’s cares. I remember when I was working on my hymn collection, I spent a lot of time researching hymns. It was so hard to narrow it down to 12 when I did the first volume, so I decided to do 2 volumes, but even then it was hard to only do 25 songs! There are just so many rich hymns! I wasn’t familiar with Abide With Me until…[READ FULL POST]
Today I’m craving quiet. For some of you, you’re likely craving a break FROM the quiet. It seems two contrasting realities are happening all around. Both tug on the need for our souls to be soothed. This was a challenging week. I felt completely overwhelmed by the task of suddenly…[READ FULL POST]
Turn Off the Faucet
What do you do when negative thoughts creep into your mind? It’s important to recognize where those thoughts are coming from. They are toxic. They invade us like a poison and cloud our ability to love clearly. We have an enemy and it’s not each other. We are told to take every thought captive. But do we…[READ FULL POST]
Unforced Rhythms
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30 My how the girl (me) in this pic has…[READ FULL POST]
A Key to Flourishing
Want to know a key to flourishing? Tend to your roots. For so many of us the frenetic pace we’ve grown addicted to living in has resulted in our neglecting our roots. But our very life and nourishment comes from what our roots are connected too. Does the soil of your soul feel brittle and dry? Are you weary? Exhausted? Longing for fresh vigor and joy to pulse through your veins? Tend to your roots by cultivating the soul of your heart. Do things that fertilize your soul. How you fill your mind matters…[READ FULL POST]
Let’s talk about the pressure women and moms feel in our culture. There seems to be a million ways we’re doing it wrong and a million more ways to tell us how to do it right—often these prescribed methods contradict each other. The rat race seems so complicated and for most of us (okay probably all of us!) it’s not even the race we want to be in anyway. So many of the rules we give ourselves and the expectations we place on others are…[READ FULL POST]
Unexpected God-threads
Experiencing God can be a lot like experiencing wind. You can’t see wind, but you can see the effects of the wind. Similarly we can’t see God but we can see the effects of God all around us. Today, I want to share a story that illuminates a powerful way I’ve experienced God. You’ve likely heard of our 5 minute video The Thank You Project with over 150 million views across many platforms. It’s had quite a broad effect, far surpassing anything I ever imagined. What I’ve never shared publicly is…[READ FULL POST]
Salt. I’ve discovered that not all salts are created equal. Different salts have different saltiness. This particular salt is my secret weapon. I don’t really like to cook and I’ve only recently been OK with admitting this. I subconsciously thought that to be a good woman I must also be a good cook, but these two things do not correlate. I cook because I love my family. I cook because I want to keep my family alive. They need to eat to live, I need to cook so they can eat…[READ FULL POST]
All Tail Wags and Licks
I’ve never been a dog person (eye roll) until Abe came into my life. Those that know me well are as shocked as me to see my dramatic conversion. Abe has taught me much of the character of God. No, I’m not saying God is like a dog. But rather our dog reflects some of what I’ve come to know of the goodness of God. Abe is ALWAYS happy to see us, whether we’ve been gone 2 minutes or 2 hours, he’s all tail wags and licks, like it’s…[READ FULL POST]
We can’t know what’s ahead. Live today well. So why do I spend so much time and energy propping up perfection for tomorrow? I’m weary from the weight and worry. Do you relate?!? My word for 2020 is freedom. I want to be more intentional to live in freedom because I want to be less bound up in the opinion of others. I’ve found I put too much value on what…[READ FULL POST]
Year of the Buffalo - 2019 Review
Do you feel blessed? Sometimes I’m overwhelmed by the blessing. Other times my eyes strain to see it, my heart strains to feel the reality of the blessing. But that doesn’t make the blessing any less real. I’m learning in those times when the ache to experience blessing overwhelms me that I must step back and take a gratitude inventory. When I find myself focusing on what’s gone wrong or what hasn’t gone right, I… [READ FULL POST]
“The hopes and fears of all the years are met in Thee tonight.”
It’s midnight. I’m walking through the dark streets of Iraq with my best friend. We enter the sterile hospital passing a man in the hall crying for his son. We enter the crowded Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (where only women are allowed), and hold Sozan’s hands tightly as she updates us through fear filled tears on her baby Aram’s fragile condition.
“My biggest hopes melted into my greatest fears.”…[READ FULL POST]
Leaning In
It’s been a sweet weekend sharing music, living on mission. I love working in the studio, but I work so hard there to share these songs in person with you live. I want more rooms to share music. This is my mission ‘bullseye’ - seeing people encouraged, moved, hope filling their eyes, peace covering their face…a reflection of what’s happening in the heart. This is why... [READ FULL POST]
It’s been 15 years since the accident that cut AJ’s life far too short. Today it’s very foggy outside, I can only see a few feet in front of me, this feels like a poignant picture of grief. It’s like the clouds come down from the sky and the gray consumes and smothers you. It’s hard to see the way ahead. It’s hard to see the way anywhere, like a… [READ FULL POST]
On Eating Well
I was recently talking with a friend whose daughter is struggling with an eating disorder. Her story sounded all too familiar. For 5 years I battled Anorexia and Bulimia, a battle I nearly lost and remember all too well. Though I’ve been free from this for nearly 15 years I will carry the scars for the rest of my life. Even after all this time I must make a conscious daily decision to continue to choose to live in freedom. I don’t talk about this often, not because... [READ FULL POST]
When you hike down a waterfall creek and your husband documents the whole adventure: Play doesn’t come naturally for me. I’ve always taken life so seriously - probably to my own detriment. Even as a mom it can be challenging to…[READ FULL POST]
My song ‘Coming Clean’ is about confession, repentance, acceptance and forgiveness. I wrote it in response to wrestling with the importance of admitting wrong and offering forgiveness. This is something so simple yet so hard to do in the moment when all you want to do is dig in your heals and feel justified. Particularly in marriage, no matter how…[READ FULL POST]
My song ‘At Our Tree’ is a picture of marriage - its ebbs and flows, its winding seasons. Life will inevitably come with all its pressures and pulls and tugs. This is not the problem; this is a normal result of two dynamic lives, hearts and dreams merging into one. Part of the art of making a marriage work is…[READ FULL POST]
When we lived in DC I volunteered weekly at a homeless shelter. My heart was helped exponentially more than anything I ever could have offered during my time there. I wrote this song, Spare A Smile, from the stories and love and I experienced with The Lamb Center guests. One afternoon I was driving through the city and saw a man standing on the corner with his cardboard sign. He wasn’t asking for money. His sign simply read…[READ FULL POST]
To have dear friends who carry great wisdom is a profound blessing. I seek to glean all I can from every moment we get together. Miranda Harris (co-founder of A Rocha International) has poured so much into my heart. Each time we’re together she propels me further on the path towards…[READ FULL POST]
numbing parts
I went to a funeral last Sunday for a young boy who was supposed to graduate high school in just a few weeks. He died in a motorcycle accident. He was a close family friend. Our hearts are broken for his parents who are grieving the loss of their only child. Sitting there in that service my heart was overflowing with empathy. This is an emotion I’ve known for years I’ve needed to grow in. But…[READ FULL POST]
My word for 2019 is BUFFALO. Yeah sure, it’s slightly (okay well, a lot) unconventional. But this word inspires me and here’s why: When Native Americans would kill a buffalo they would use the entire buffalo - nothing, absolutely nothing was wasted. They had a use for every single bit. Now this is…[READ FULL POST]
2018 Year In Review
As 2018 comes to a close, I’m filled with gratitude. I never picked a word for the year but looking back I think my word for the year is love. It’s been a year with surprising growth of genuine love, the kind of love that bubbles out and isn’t forced. I know I still have a long way to go, but I’m grateful for all I’ve experienced this year. It is a gift and one I want to…[READ FULL POST]
Creating All Shall Be Well
This hymn collection was born standing on a slimy rock in the Sea of Galilee where I led worship with a group of friends from the Telos Group. Heaven seemed to touch earth while we stood in the very water that Jesus walked upon. There, I was more aware then ever of how we’re invited every day to step into ordinary miracles - the hope for things still unseen becoming…[READ FULL POST]
I have bit my tongue and kept quiet on this for so long, but it burns in me and this year as we cross the anniversary of AJ‘s death for the 14th time, I feel it’s time to talk about it. The rebel in me almost didn’t want to write anything today. It seems like every year I feel like I must post some profound blog because perhaps in some way this helps. But I told myself this year I wasn’t going to write anything, not out of obligation at…[READ FULL POST]
“The smallness you feel comes from within you. Your lives aren’t small, but you’re living them in a small way. I’m speaking as plainly as I can and with great affection. Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively!” (2 Cor 6:12-13) Oh these words are like fresh air; like a window opened in my heart. It’s so easy to get…[READ FULL POST]
Labor Day
1 Corinthians 14:1 “Go after a life of love as if your life depended on it — because it does. Give yourselves to the gifts God gives you.” Sometimes I feel like a fool for pouring so many hours into working on music. I think of all the other things I could be doing, but I’m not because I’m deeply focused here in the studio instead. I love it, I always have and always will. Music is... [READ FULL POST]
Defining Challenges
“If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.” My husband texted me this yesterday after I retold him the story of working with Eli on riding his bike. I remember the days when going to the park was ‘work’ for Eli. It was a challenge, it was therapy to learn how to navigate the stairs and muster the courage to slide down the slide. For many years there was very little fun about going to the park for Eli. But eventually, after... [READ FULL POST]
On Being and Artist Partner with Arocha
Enjoying creation helps me connect with God and understand love better. As an artist partner with Arocha USA, a faith based environmental organization whose mission is to 'restore people and places', I've enjoyed collaborating with other artists to write songs that encourage others to steward and savor our majestic planet. Collectively there are... [READ FULL POST]
I love the adventure of going on early morning runs when we visit new places; exploring and surrendering to the unknowns of wherever the new path leads. Except, when I don’t. Today, here at the lodge near Mt. St. Helens, I woke up before the sun, tied my shoe laces and smiled as the crisp northern air hit my Florida sun kissed face. I breathed in deep the refreshment, paused to look left then... [READ FULL POST]
More Than Diamonds
Being a mom hasn’t always come ‘naturally’ to me. I am crazy in love with our three kids. But let’s be honest, when they were born I didn’t cry with happiness, I was more like, ‘who are you and what in the world am I supposed to do now?!?’ Motherhood has been a journey; a challenging and beautiful journey. I tell our kids often as they’re growing, ‘the bigger you get the more of you there is to love’. And I do cherish how... [READ FULL POST]
Arbitrary Lines
As a mom of a child with special needs, even though I’ve always had a lot of fantastic help and support, I still took the full weight of Eli’s well-being on myself. In some ways, probably a lot of ways, this was good, noble, appropriate and required. But even so, the full weight of this load bore heavily down on me. It comes from... [READ FULL POST]
Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day brings with it so many emotions. I’m so grateful for my own mom and her faithful love. I’m so grateful to get to be a mom, among the greatest privileges I will know in this life. I’m grateful for 3 healthy kids, for their unconditional love and generous cuddles. I’m grateful for their wellness today and do not take any of this for granted. There were so many Mother’s Days - I can vividly remember... [READ FULL POST]
Hide it under a bushel, No!
"Hide it under a bushel, No! I'm going to let it shine." I think this is where I went wrong, where my hope started to go sideways. As if the whole world is craving our lights if we only would let it shine. If only it was that easy. I feel a sweet contentment and gratitude for life and my calling. It has come in part from sorting through misguided and misplaced hope in the search to live in greater freedom to be who we are made to be. I put... [READ FULL POST]
Long Time Coming - FILM
In 1955, when racial segregation defined the South, two groups of twelve-year-old boys stepped onto a baseball field in a non-violent act of cultural defiance that would change the course of history and challenge their own perceptions sixty years later. Long Time Coming features Major League Baseball and Civil Rights icons Hank Aaron, Cal Ripken Jr., Gary Sheffield, Davey Johnson and Ambassador Andrew Young who... [READ FULL POST]
Live Oak
I was walking home from taking the kids to school this morning and passed the tiniest sprout of a tree. There was nothing impressive about it. Almost looked like a joke pushing up through the ground. Except that it had this little yellow tag tied onto it, naming it’s identity: Live Oak. This tree hardly resembled what we think of when... [READ FULL POST]
I Have A Dream
I have a dream. Martin Luther King inspires me deeply. His ability to be a dreamer and visionary of how things could be and should be calls us all higher. Last night as I tucked in our kids I prayed that they would be people who spread justice, light and peace like Dr. King. My hope is that in some way - for I know it will look different for each of us - we will each... [READ FULL POST]
On Gratitude
Some might consider me an expert on gratefulness. I’ve been interviewed on the subject countless times since our video ‘The Thank You Project’ went viral after first airing on the TODAY show a few years ago. It now has over 100 Million views. I don’t have a category for processing what that kind of virality means. But I don’t feel like an expert on gratitude, I’m just a girl who said ‘thank you’ because... [READ FULL POST]
2017 Year End Review
2017 has been both a full and a challenging year. While the unexpected - both good and hard - has marked these months, I have a genuine gratefulness for the growth and freedom it’s brought me. Earlier this year I spoke a lot about how ‘every no has led to a better yes’ and while I do still think this is true and possible, that hasn’t quite been the story of this year for me. The ‘no-s’ have... [READ FULL POST]
13 Years
I wanted to stay in bed all day, or crawl into a hole. The pull to stay so busy to not have to think or feel today is real. But instead, as I pulled my bones upright it felt more like climbing up the ladder to the high dive. With each rung the air gets thinner and harder to breathe as the knowledge that I’ll soon have to jump sinks in. And even though I’ve made this jump several times before... [READ FULL POST]
This to shall pass and rising out of this ash will be a strength that will last. The challenges surpassed by beauty forged in a perseverant hope. This tree sits in our front yard and literally overnight is transformed by these pink blossoms that spring forward in its surprising bountiful display of hope... [READ FULL POST]
Love never fails. Except when it does. Don't get me wrong, I love Hobby Lobby and all the little signs they sell. I typically want one of everything when I walk through the store. But this particular metal sign grabbed my attention. The phrase, 'Love Never Fails' is so familiar but I've never really questioned it before. Do I agree? The simple answer is... [READ FULL POST]
I Will Survive
As I dropped off Eli at school for day #4 the song 'I will survive' popped into my head. I'd always heard this phrase as some clinging future hope, like 'this WILL eventually, hopefully - if I work really hard and don't give up - happen'. But as the words bounced in my head this morning it struck me quite differently... [READ FULL POST]
8 years ago as we said 'I do' we washed each other's feet. An act of service reflecting our commitment to a lifetime of serving one another. Marriage requires both service and sacrifice. This comes at a cost and in some seasons the price feels higher than others... [READ FULL POST]
To Be Still
God made us as human beings, but how often do we live more like human do-ings? We are so busy doing things that we have very little time or attention left for simply being. The doing is good, but not at the cost of an unsettled soul. I have tried to write a blog for weeks now—starting lots of them, but keep erasing, deleting and never finishing them. They feel forced and uninspired, like I’m writing because... [READ FULL POST]