On Washing Feet

8 years ago as we said 'I do' we washed each other's feet.

An act of service reflecting our commitment to a lifetime of serving one another. Marriage requires both service and sacrifice. This comes at a cost and in some seasons the price feels higher than others. We have both at times literally had to lay down our life for the other. To put our dreams or plans or comfort on hold so the other could flourish. This ebb and flow, this commitment to serve each other has been the very thing that has also given us the most in return. Though it costs something, the gain is priceless and seeing someone you love fulfill their dreams, pursue their passions and flourish brings the greatest joy. Sacrifice and service does not diminish as our culture might threaten, but rather it invites us both up to something bigger and better. Without Ted loving me in this way it would be so much harder to pursue my dreams. It hasn't always been easy but I would say eight years in we're better at the delicate dance together. (Cue my album Wild Love to hear my song Delicate Dance to dig into this idea more!) We are better teammates and are both excelling more in working together and serving one another than either of us would be able to achieve on our own. Our lives are unconventional in just about every way. Our careers don't fit the typical molds either (but molds are over-rated and really no one fits into them, if we're honest about it). For us, our dance works. Your dance will look different but all of our dances are beautiful and essential and worth the effort and sacrifice we pour into them each day. Keep on dancing, even when it's hard and your feet hurt! Ted my love, here's to another year of learning how to dance together, of service and sacrifice and love. I'm so glad to get to dance with you! Cheers! #love #happyanniversary #sacrifice #service #wildlove


Kellie Haddock