2019 Word for the Year

My word for 2019 is BUFFALO. Yeah sure, it’s slightly (okay well, a lot) unconventional. But this word inspires me and here’s why:

When Native Americans would kill a buffalo they would use the entire buffalo - nothing, absolutely nothing was wasted. They had a use for every single bit. Now this is stewardship! 

Over the past few months I’ve been taking inventory of what I’ve been blessed to create as an artist, what tools I have in my creative toolbox and ways God has provided. There is so much there to be grateful for. But there is also a whole lot of waste - things I’ve left unused and dormant. This year I want to dig into life with intentionality to be a better steward of what I have. I want to use my whole buffalo!

I have my first album Leave the Light On featuring Sara Groves who’s been a dear friend and inspiring mentor to me over the years. Most of you have probably never heard these songs. Just because something feels like old news to me doesn’t discount the worth it still has. For you it will be new! I should be sharing these beautiful songs with you - I’m not sure why I ‘turned the lights off’ for this record. So friends, I’m flipping the switch back on (in an environmentally conscious sustainable kinda way!).

I made a record in Mandarin-Chinese which I released in Hong Kong performing (in Chinese) and speaking alongside Tim Keller for 3000+ people. The story of God’s miraculous provision for this project is so powerful but I’ve never taken time to write it down - case in point - wasted buffalo. Again, most of you probably have no idea this project even exists. I want to share these stories with you and my hope is that this will fuel our faith together. 

I could go on, but you get the point. This is a year of focusing on better stewarding the gifts I’ve been given. I want to regularly continue accessing how well I’m using my buffalo.

I am a hope-giver and my biggest goal is to encourage you and spur you on to be and do all you were created for. That is why using all the buffalo matters, because I believe it will help me do what I’m made to do more effectively. My hope is that you will benefit as a result!

What is your word for the year? How can I cheer you on in the ways you want to grow this year?

Kellie Haddock