“No one’s ever seen or heard anything like this, never so much as imagined anything quite like it - What God has arranged for those who LOVE Him.” 1 Cor 2:10 (MSG)
It doesn’t say what God has for those who FOLLOW ALL THE RULES.
It doesn’t say what God has for those who are really really good.
It doesn’t say what God has for those who are popular, successful, beautiful.
It is simply a message of love.
It’s about our love for God and His love for us.
It’s not about jumping through the hoops. It’s not even about effort.
It’s about choosing to love and responding to love.
It all keeps coming back to this.
The greatest commandment: LOVE the Lord your God!
The second greatest commandment: LOVE your neighbors!
We so easily complicate this.
But it actually IS quite simple.
There isn’t a 5 step program. It doesn’t require expensive schooling.
It’s simply a choice in your heart.
How are you choosing to love?
Where are you overcomplicating life by adding additional rules?
How can you love more freely?
Love is the great invitation.