Mandarin Lights

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凯莉的话我们都面对快乐和悲伤,这盘录音是带着我们对说中文的朋友的爱而制作的。曾经失去丈夫的我,找到了盼望。这些歌曲都指向这个盼望,这盼望把我们带入一个更伟大浩瀚的故事中,好让我们不被人生的艰难所压垮。在我最黑暗的时刻,音乐帮助了我。所以我想让这些音乐成为他人的陪伴,愿那些在无法用语言表达的痛苦或欢乐中的人,可以用这些歌曲来表达他们心声。 这里有包括歌词和曲谱,您可以和您的家人和朋友一起唱歌或听音乐。我希望这个光盘给您带来激励。带着喜悦和感激之情,凯莉


Considering the joys and sorrows we all face, this record was made with love for our Mandarin-speaking friends. As a former widow, I have found Hope. These songs point to this Hope that draws us into a story bigger than ourselves so the hardness of life will not crush us. 

In my darkest hours, music has helped carry me through. So I wanted to make music that comes beside others as an expression for the times when there are no words, whether in the speechlessness of tragedy or of joy.

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Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor

This poignant song, Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor was originally written by Matt Boswell and Matt Papa.

These words inspire me in a way that’s reminiscent of the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who himself was no stranger to suffering, perseverance and the need to cling to Hope.

Bonhoeffer was known not only for his devotion to Christ but also for his resistance to the Nazi dictatorship, which eventually led him to imprisonment at the Flossenbürg concentration camp where he was then hanged on April 9, 1945 as the Nazi regime was collapsing.

His life and leadership speak poignant truth to our current struggles today both as a church and as a culture. We have much to lament and the need to cling to Truth is paramount. Christ alone is our sure and steady anchor.

I was unfamiliar with this song when my friends at China Partnership asked me to share it for a special worldwide virtual prayer event they were hosting. Getting to create this for them has been a gift of healing for me. These words have fallen deep into my heart as both a prayer and a balm for my soul in these recent weeks. The truth it carries has withstood the struggles and the test of time, yet still stand firm as relevant today as ever.

I pray now, though in so many ways it seems the night has won, that deeper still will go the anchor of faith strengthening your heart and stretching your capacity to love.

The calm will be the better for the storms that we’ve endured.

As you soak in these words and music may a fresh hope be sparked in you, renewing the bonds of truth that hold you fast to the Anchor that can never be removed.

Christ the sure and steady anchor
In the fury of the storm
When the winds of doubt blow through me
When my sails have all be torn
In the suffering, in the sorrow
When my sinking hopes are few
I will hold fast to the anchor
It will never be removed


Translated by Jeff Kyle