Want To See A Miracle?
This Thanksgiving I'm taking time to pause and remember that miracles happen.
This has been a hard year for so so many of us, our family included.
Amidst the hard, it's important to remember where we've seen beauty.
Where have you experienced God's love, power and goodness in the past?
Where are you experiencing hope right now?
He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
He is still doing miracles everyday all around us! That's not something from some bygone era of history.
You're looking at one right now!
This is our son Eli. He's 16 and he's a tangible miracle.
People often ask me what Eli‘s special needs are from his brain injury.
The best way to describe him?
It’s like living with Elf 24/7 (all year long!) and I absolutely love it! In so many way his special needs make him MORE special!
He makes all of life truly more wonderful by bringing so much joy and simple wonder everywhere he goes.
Everyday is an opportunity to make snow angles, and snuggle and ... anything else on Elf's to do list. He lives life with that kind of freedom and enthusiasm! He teaches me so much all along the way! (Any of you parents of kids with special needs can relate I’m sure!)
If this face doesn’t give you hope this holiday season, I don’t know what will!
Here's a tangible reminder that miracles do happen and they're still happening right this very moment around you (and even in you!).
No clue what I’m talking about? Watch The Thank You Project and grab your Kleenex.
God is good...still...yes, even still...good.