Want to know a key to flourishing during these unprecedented times?

Tend to your roots. 

For so many of us the frenetic pace we’ve grown addicted to living in has resulted in our neglecting our roots. But our very life and nourishment comes from what our roots are connected too. Does the soil of your soul feel brittle and dry? Are you weary? Exhausted? Longing for fresh vigor and joy to pulse through your veins? Tend to your roots by cultivating the soul of your heart. Do things that fertilize your soul. How you fill your mind matters. 

My song Roots was born from a conversation with Rebekah Lyons during Q Women on Psalm 1:2-3, “They delight in the words of the Lord, thinking on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.”

Does that sound good to you? Do you want to live like this? I sure do! And this is exactly what we were made for - each and every one of us is extended this invitation. 

We were made to be like oaks with leaves that never wither...

But this kind of growth takes time, trust and rest. 

Try to sit and watch a tree grow every hour—or even every day— if you judge its value by the changes you see, it will be pretty discouraging. You can’t see a tree grow overnight. But coming back 5, 10, 15 years later, you’d be amazed at how the tree has changed. 

It’s the daily decisions that matter because how we spend our days is how we spend our lives. It’s the culmination of those daily actions persisted over time that produces flourishing.

But there’s also another thing that’s key: The very thing that causes the tree to grow cannot be seen. The roots. The roots are what enables the tree to grow strong and majestic. 

It’s not about the show, it’s not about the facade, it can’t come from a polished veneer. It comes from deep within. How we cultivate our hearts and nourish our souls matters greatly and effects our growth. There is tremendous value in the things we do that no one else sees - time spent in prayer, soaking in God’s word, journaling, serving others, cleaning the house… the list goes on. All of those unseen things matter. They amount to our growth and strength of character. 

In this unprecedented pause from our typical routines and activity, I want to encourage you to focus on your roots. Cultivate the soil of your heart, do things that fertilize your soul. Be intentional with how you are filling your mind. Is it giving you life or stealing your life?  

I believe this can be a season of great growth for us. Let us take time to tend our roots, let them sink deep into the refreshing healing waters of God.

Is it possible to do more than just survive, but thrive in these dark times? I believe it is because I believe in a God who actively pushes back the darkness and penetrates it with light. I’ve experienced this in deeply profound ways. I’ve groveled in the depths of tragedy and been pursued there with hope. There is an ‘other side’ to every tragedy. So how do we get there? 

From what’s unseen comes all good things. Faith is the hope of things unseen. 

What we do in the unseen quiet of our hearts matters. Rest in the healing waters of God, sink your roots deep into that stream. 

And if there are specific ways I can be praying for you right now please let me know.

Here’s a live version of my song Roots. Find the studio version of this song on my album Wild Love, available anywhere you listen to music. 

Kellie Haddock