As A Hope-Giver

For so long I’ve debated whether I’m a Christian artist or not. I am a Christian but I've never wanted to be stuck in a Christian artist box. ⁠

I’ve intentionally flown a bit under the Christian artist radar as a large portion of my audience is outside the church (I have a viral video The Thank You Project with more than 150 million views across several platforms 🤯 which has opened a lot of unconventional doors for me as an artist). I’ve been so careful not to offend others or turn anyone away with my message of hope. But in some ways this cautiousness has watered down both my message and passion. ⁠

My new single Even When has just released everywhere!

This song is really the first time I’m stepping out in an openly ‘Christian’ kind of way. But I hope it's anything but cliche'. My goal is to serve you as best as I'm able. I feel this song and this message is the right thing, right now. ⁠

We are more weary and hungry for hope than ever! I want to help! I can't sit back on the sidelines! This passion fuels everything I do.⁠

My mission statement is:⁠

“As a hope-giver I seek the flourishing of others through waking up the sleepers and cheering on the weary.”⁠

I’ve lived by these words quietly for years. Now I’m ready to step into them and embody this with my art. Truth is truth and I need to lay aside my own fears and inhibitions to embrace this calling. Honesty to my gifts and passion will not return void. ⁠

We are hungry for truth and hope - now more than ever.⁠

I am here, I'm not backing down, I'm not watering it down. I'm a hope-giver and I'm here to help point you to hope. ⁠

I'm sticking with you. Thanks for sticking with me too!⁠⁠🖤

Kellie Haddock