God's Faithfulness is NOT Contingent on What Happens
God’s faithfulness is not contingent on the outcomes.
Mull that one over in your mind a bit. I’ve been soaking in this fresh understanding of God since my husband’s heart surgery. This truth has surprised me with peace again and again.
God is faithful yes, but we often use this phrase after things go how WE want them to go. And then in response to getting our way we say, God was faithful. And this is true, He indeed was and is. But there’s a deeper truth here.
As I’ve held my husband’s hand in the ICU through moments of not knowing if the outcome would be what I wanted and was praying for, I began to realize that God’s faithfulness does not hinge on the outcome.
What if my husband didn’t make it through the surgery? What if I became a young widow again for the 2nd time? Would that mean that God wasn’t faithful? Would that mean He had failed me?
I’ve been staring this reality in the face these past weeks. Sorting through these questions and emotions as I’ve sat in the tension of the unknown.
God’s faithfulness is not contingent on favorable outcomes. God’s faithfulness is a promise that He will be near and provide and take care of us NO MATTER WHAT THE OUTCOME IS.
His faithfulness is His character. It’s who He is more than it’s what He does.
He IS faithful.
This is our safe harbor in the midst of the storm. This is where faith and trust reside and collide.
God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is faithful and good through it all.
It’s not a pie-in-the-sky mushy feeling kind of wishful thinking. It’s a bedrock truth anchored in reality.
May this reality comfort you whenever the clouds of anxiety and fear begin to roll over you.
You are in good hands. God will remain faithful to you through it all. No matter the outcome. It’s the essence of who He is.
He has promised to never leave you or forsake you.
It’s not a promise that says everything will be good. It’s not a promise for the outcomes we hope for every time. But rather it’s a promise of provision no matter what the outcome is. It’s a promise that love will cover you through it all.
No matter what.
And to me, that’s the best reality.
I can rest here.
I can rest from feeling like I have to control all the outcomes and simply trust that God will provide all I need.